Application Form2024 Courses Name * First Name Last Name Email * Your location * Your experience * Briefly describe your experience with Constellation Work and if you actively facilitate. Choose Your Course(s): * ALL 4 Modules ALL 4 Experimental Workshops Module 1: The art of skillful inquiry: Chairwork Experimental Workshop: What’s in a word Module 2: The art of collaborative change: Floorwork Experimental Workshop: Power and group dynamics from a constellation perspective Module 3: The art of creative transformation: Innovating with constellation work Experimental Workshop: Imprints: working with birth and early childhood trauma Module 4: Unfolding the system’s story in the body: Working with somatic signals Experimental Workshop: Somatic imaging: Finding the constellation in the body Thank you for submitting your application! We will contact you within 48 hours. You will receive contact within 48 hours after you submit your application.