
Purchase our latest addition to our line of Simple Systemic Tools products. RelationCards™ are a convenient option for carrying a virtual group of representatives in your pocket, purse, or briefcase. The broad selection of colors in a deck of 52 cards, plus 2 blanks, gives you wide ranging possibilities for simple and complex systemic exploration.

Perfect for use with groups, one-on-one consultations, businesses, and many other situations. Simply write on the face of the cards to identify what they represent. When finished, the wet-erase ink removes completely under running water with little or no rubbing.  Made from durable plastic, they are robust and tough.

  • Portable place markers for constellations on the go

  • Effective in family or organizational settings

  • Business-card sized

  • Write-erase names directly on cards

  • Set of 54 Cards, including 52 place markers in 5 colors plus 2 blanks

  • US$49.95 (plus shipping & handling)

  • Bag & pen included. Bulk discounts available.

Set of 54 RelationCards™ plus Bag and Pen

Refund Policy

Your set of RelationCards ™ is warranted to leave our office in new and complete condition. We pack our products with loving care (and well!) and guarantee they leave our hands in top shape. Should you receive a damaged package that has harmed the product, please take up the issue with the shipper. We are not responsible for damage that occurs in transit.

Should the unthinkable happen and you receive a damaged or defective set of RelationCards ™, bag, or pen in an intact and undamaged shipping box, please contact us immediately and we will do what is needed to make it right. Should the unimaginable happen, and you are completely dissatisfied with the product once you receive it, simply return it to us insured for the value of the product, and once we receive the product, we will refund your credit card for the value of the items purchased.

To use your RelationCards™:

1. Work on a flat surface like a table or desk. Select persons or elements to represent in the system of relationships you wish to understand. Start with 5-8 cards. More can be added as needed. Select a card for each person or element and write the name of the person or element in the center of the "head."

2. Use the pen provided to write the names of the key elements for the constellation on the head of the Cards or wherever you like. Be sure to use the wet-erase transparency marker provided. (Marks made by other pens may not come off.)

3. Once all persons or elements are represented, take a moment to get centered and let yourself feel the issue. When you are ready, find a place for each RelationCard ™ in the area you are working. Position the RelationCard ™ relative to each other according to your felt sense of where those key elements stand in relation to each other. Use the "nose" on the RelationCard ™ to show which direction each element is facing.

4. Once you have set up the RelationCard ™ - have a look at the pattern that results. Who is close, who is distant? Who is in, who is out? Who is missing? Which way are the various members of your constellation looking? Remember that "space is intelligent" and sense what each member of your constellation can or cannot do relative to the others. Notice the "negative spaces" – the spaces between the RelationCard ™ – as well as the elements represented by the RelationCard ™. Reflect on you issue, discuss the constellation with your facilitator, move or add RelationCard ™ as you need to explore your issue.

To inquire about becoming a distributor, please contact us or phone us at (001) 503-678-2338.

Pen Information

Why the special pen? We discovered that the Stanford® Vis-a-Vis Wet-Erase Markers work best with the material the RelationCards™ are made from. Regular dry-erase markers come off on your fingers when you use the RelationCards™, and are very difficult to remove from the card surface. We had to use acetone to get the dry-erase marks off. Definitely not handy! Permanent markers also require solvents, as do ink pens and some pencils.

In order to get the best life from your RelationCards™, please use the pen we provide. Replacements are available at most large office supply stores. Other brands of wet-erase markers also work, though we probably haven't tested them all. During various pen evaluations, we learned that BLACK wet-erase markers are best. Red colors like red, orange and purple tend to stain the cards over time. With proper care, your cards should last a long time!

Stanford® Expo Vis-a-Vis Wet Erase Markers work the best. They are available through and many office supply stores. A good alternative is the Staedtler® Lumocolor Fine Tip Wet Erase overhead projection marker. These pens are available in Europe (and also on One pen that absolutely does NOT work is the Pentel Arts Wet Erase Erasable Chalk Marker. It stained the cards and as far as we could tell is not erasable in any circumstances! Stick with the Stanford® Expo Vis-a-Vis Wet Erase Markers or the Staedtler® Lumocolor Fine Tip Wet Erase overhead projection, non-permanent markers and your cards should provide you with years of use.


  • Portable place markers for constellations on the go

  • Effective in family or organizational settings

  • Write-erase names directly on chips

  • Set of 20 place markers in 5 colors: US$49.95 (plus shipping & handling)

  • Bag & pen included. Bulk discounts available.

Set of 20 RelationChips

Refund Policy

Your set of RelationChips™ is warranted to leave our office in new and complete condition. We pack our products with loving care (and well!) and guarantee they leave our hands in top shape. Should you receive a damaged package that has harmed the product, please take up the issue with the shipper. We are not responsible for damage that occurs in transit.

Should the unthinkable happen and you receive a damaged or defective set of RelationChips™, bag, or pen in an intact and undamaged shipping box, please contact us immediately and we will do what is needed to make it right. Should the unimaginable happen, and you are completely dissatisfied with the product once you receive it, simply return it to us insured for the value of the product, and once we receive the product, we will refund your credit card for the value of the items purchased.

To use your RelationChips:

1. Work on a flat surface like a table or desk. Select persons or elements to represent in the system of relationships you wish to understand. Start with 5-8 chips. More can be added as needed. Select a chip for each person or element and write the name of the person or element in the center of the "head."

2. Use the pen provided to write the names of the key elements for the constellation on the head of the chips. Be sure to use the wet-erase transparency marker provided. (Marks made by other pens may not come off.)

3. Once all persons or elements are represented, take a moment to get centered and let yourself feel the issue. When you are ready, find a place for each RelationChip™ in the area you are working. Position the RelationChips™ relative to each other according to your felt sense of where those key elements stand in relation to each other. Use the "nose" on the RelationChips™ to show which direction each element is facing.

4. Once you have set up the RelationChips™ - have a look at the pattern that results. Who is close, who is distant? Who is in, who is out? Who is missing? Which way are the various members of your constellation looking? Remember that "space is intelligent" and sense what each member of your constellation can or cannot do relative to the others. Notice the "negative spaces" – the spaces between the RelationChips™ – as well as the elements represented by the RelationChips™. Reflect on you issue, discuss the constellation with your facilitator, move or add RelationChips™ as you need to explore your issue.

To inquire about becoming a distributor, please contact us or phone us at (001) 503 678-2338.

Pen Info

Why the special pen? We discovered that the Stanford® Vis-a-Vis Wet-Erase Markers work best with the material the RelationChips™ are made from. Regular dry-erase markers come off on your fingers when you use the RelationChips™, and are very difficult to remove from the chip surface. We had to use acetone to get the dry-erase marks off. Definitely not handy! Permanent markers also require solvents, as do ink pens and some pencils.

In order to get the best life from your RelationChips™, please use the pen we provide. Replacements are available at most large office supply stores. Other brands of wet-erase markers also work, though we probably haven't tested them all. During various pen evaluations, we learned that BLACK wet-erase markers are best. Red colors like red, orange and purple tend to stain the Chips over time. With proper care, your chips should last a long time!

Stanford® Expo Vis-a-Vis Wet Erase Markers work the best. They are available through and many office supply stores. A good alternative is the Staedtler® Lumocolor Fine Tip Wet Erase overhead projection marker. These pens are available in Europe (and also on One pen that absolutely does NOT work is the Pentel Arts Wet Erase Erasable Chalk Marker. It stained the chips and as far as we could tell is not erasable in any circumstances! Stick with the Stanford® Expo Vis-a-Vis Wet Erase Markers or the Staedtler® Lumocolor Fine Tip Wet Erase overhead projection, non-permanent markers and your chips should provide you with years of use.