Life’s journey is enriched with like-minded friends.
The primary purpose of this database is to provide an information forum for those facilitating constellations or using principles from Bert Hellinger's work in their professional or personal lives. We invite and encourage you to share information, experiences and new developments with others in the field.
Interested in submitting an article? See our Submission Form for guidelines.
List of Articles
Berthold Ulsamer
Bob Conrad
Calista Streitmatter
Eelco de Geus
Eva Madelung
Francesca Mason Boring
Gert Metz and Werner Messerigs
Gunthard Weber
Heidi Baitinger
J. Edward Lynch, PhD
Jane Peterson
What is an Organizational Constellation? Working Effectively Where We Have the Greatest Influence
Wurzburg Panel Talk, International Systemic Constellation Congress-2003
Jane Peterson and Valent Lee
Dr. Johannes Latzel
Konkolÿ Thege, B., Petroll, C., Rivas, C., & Scholtens, S.
Mary Lansing, LMFT
Thomas von Stosch
Dr. Ursula Franke
Wim Jurg
Validity of Branding Constellations
This paper was written for presentation at the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece, 23-26 May, 2006. For more information about Branding Constellations, go to Wim Jurg's website,
Wim Jurg, José Bloemer, Hans Doorewaards